

Learning Goals (LGs) and Learning Objectives (LOs) for BBA Program
學士班學習目標(Learning Goals,簡稱LGs)與核心能力 (Learning Objectives,簡稱LOs)

適用於管院六系大學部BBA Program 

A. General Goals 

LG 1. Ethics and Social Responsibility 倫理價值與社會責任
LO 1-1 The students are able to illustrate ethical issues in business and describe implications for business leaders. 闡明倫理價值
LO 1-2 The students are able to demonstrate awareness of social responsibility and its impact on the wider community. 認知社會責任

LG 2. Effective Communication 專業溝通能力
LO 2-1 The students are able to employ a set of essential oral skills in Chinese and achieve effective communication in a business context. 中文口語溝通能力
LO 2-2 The students are able to employ a set of essential writing skills in Chinese and achieve effective communication in a business context. 中文書面溝通能力
LO 2-3 The students are able to demonstrate essential communication skills in business English. 商用英文溝通能力

B. Management Specific Goal 

LG 3. Effective Decision Making 管理決策能力
LO 3-1 The students are able to solve a decision-making problem through independent and analytical thinking. 獨立思考決策能力
LO 3-2 The students are able to participate in and contribute effectively to a team. 團隊合作能力

C. Discipline Specific Goals

LG 4. Professional Knowledge and Practical Application 專業知能與實務應用
LO 4-1 The students are able to understand and recognize the core knowledge and theory in the discipline they specialize. 專業知識與理論
LO 4-2 The students are able to use the core knowledge and theory in the discipline they specialize in appropriate settings. 實務應用 

LG 5. Global Perspective and Sustainable Learning 國際視野與永續學習
LO 5-1 The students are able to practice sustainable learning from a global perspective in the discipline they specialize. 國際視野與永續學習能力


Learning Goals (LGs) and Learning Objectives (LOs) for MBA Program
碩士班學習目標(Learning Goals,簡稱LGs)與核心能力 (Learning Objectives,簡稱LOs)

適用於管院企管、會計、統計、財金四系研究所與EMBA專班MBA Program

A. General Goals

LG 1. Ethics and Social Responsibility 倫理價值與社會責任
LO 1-1 The students are able to illustrate ethical issues in business and construct possible solutions for business leaders. 闡明與實踐倫理價值
LO 1-2 The students are able to demonstrate awareness of social responsibility and illustrate its implications in management. 認知社會責任意涵

LG 2. Integrated Communication 整合溝通能力
LO 2-1 The students are able to employ an integrated approach to effective communication for an oral presentation. 口語整合溝通能力
LO 2-2 The students are able to employ an integrated approach to effective communication for a written report. 書面整合溝通能力

B. Management Specific Goal

LG 3. Integrated Decision Making 管理決策整合能力
LO 3-1 The students are able to solve an integrated decision-making problem through independent thinking and relevant data driven analysis. 獨立思考決策與分析能力
LO 3-2 The students are able to participate in and contribute constructively to a team with significant leadership. 團隊合作與領導能力

C. Discipline Specific Goals

LG 4. Integrated Professional Knowledge and Practical Application 專業知能與實務應用整合能力
LO 4-1 The students are able to integrate the core knowledge, theory, and practical application in the discipline they specialize in management. 管理專業與實務整合能力

LG 5. Global Perspective and Sustainable Learning 國際視野與永續學習
LO 5-1 The students are able to practice sustainable learning from a global perspective in the discipline they specialize. 國際視野與永續學習能力


Learning Goals (LGs) and Learning Objectives (LOs) for MS in International Business Program
碩士班學習目標(Learning Goals,簡稱LGs)與核心能力 (Learning Objectives,簡稱LOs)

適用於管院國貿系研究所MS in International Business Program

A. General Goals

LG 1. Ethics and Social Responsibility 倫理價值與社會責任
LO 1-1 The students are able to illustrate ethical issues in business and construct possible solutions for business leaders. 闡明與實踐倫理價值
LO 1-2 The students are able to demonstrate awareness of social responsibility and illustrate its implications in international business management. 認知社會責任意涵

LG 2. Integrated Communication 整合溝通能力
LO 2-1 The students are able to employ an integrated approach to effective communication for an oral presentation. 口語整合溝通能力
LO 2-2 The students are able to employ an integrated approach to effective communication for a written report. 書面整合溝通能力

B. Management Specific Goal

LG 3. Integrated Decision Making 管理決策整合能力
LO 3-1 The students are able to solve an integrated decision-making problem through independent thinking and relevant data driven analysis. 獨立思考決策與分析能力
LO 3-2 The students are able to participate in and contribute constructively to a team with significant leadership. 團隊合作與領導能力

C. Discipline Specific Goals

LG 4. Integrated Professional Knowledge and Practical Application 專業知能與實務應用整合能力
LO 4-1 The students are able to integrate the core knowledge, theory, and practical application in international business management. 國際企業管理專業與實務整合能力

LG 5. Global Perspective and Sustainable Learning 國際視野與永續學習
LO 5-1 The students are able to practice sustainable learning from a global perspective in international business management. 國際視野與永續學習能力


Learning Goals (LGs) and Learning Objectives (LOs) for MIM Program
碩士班學習目標(Learning Goals,簡稱LGs)與核心能力 (Learning Objectives,簡稱LOs)

適用於管院資管系研究所MIM Program

A. General Goals 

LG 1. Ethics and Social Responsibility 倫理價值與社會責任
LO 1-1 The students are able to illustrate ethical issues in business and construct possible solutions for business leaders. 闡明與實踐倫理價值
LO 1-2 The students are able to demonstrate awareness of social responsibility and illustrate its implications in information management. 認知社會責任意涵

LG 2. Integrated Communication 整合溝通能力
LO 2-1 The students are able to employ an integrated approach to effective communication for an oral presentation. 口語整合溝通能力
LO 2-2 The students are able to employ an integrated approach to effective communication for a written report. 書面整合溝通能力

B. Management Specific Goal

LG 3. Integrated Decision Making 管理決策整合能力
LO 3-1 The students are able to solve an integrated decision-making problem through independent thinking and relevant data driven analysis. 獨立思考決策與分析能力
LO 3-2 The students are able to participate in and contribute constructively to a team with significant leadership. 團隊合作與領導能力

C. Discipline Specific Goals

LG 4. Integrated Professional Knowledge and Practical Application 專業知能與實務應用整合能力
LO 4-1 The students are able to integrate the core knowledge, theory, and practical application in information management. 資訊管理專業與實務整合能力

LG 5. Global Perspective and Sustainable Learning 國際視野與永續學習
LO 5-1 The students are able to practice sustainable learning from a global perspective in information management. 國際視野與永續學習能力